
Survive to Thrive


SKU: SURVIVE Category:


How to bring you and your business out of lockdown successfully

This short book focuses on the key aspects of bringing you and your firm out of the coronavirus lockdown successfully. It covers six key pillars.

Pillar 1: Bringing Your Business out of the Pandemic

“Never let a good crisis go to waste”, as Winston Churchill said when forming the United Nations at the end of World War II.  This pillar focuses on:

  • How to re-vision your business and reset your sails for the new environment
  • The key steps to take for successful emergence of your business from the pandemic, whether you are in survive, pivot or growth mode
  • How to develop your new business mission
  • How to reassess the skillsets you will need going forward

Pillar 2: Going Back to Work Safely

Locking down was the easy part. Going back to work safely takes a lot of thought, preparation and practice in a safe environment (which hopefully you are in at the moment), before going back to your previous environment. This pillar focuses on:

  • The behavioural key to successful emergence
  • The key physical considerations involved in travel to and from your workplace
  • The key physical considerations involved in working at your workplace
  • The key physical considerations involved in travel for your work

Pillar 3: Crime and Coronavirus

Criminals too have had to adjust to this time of coronavirus. They have changed their modus operandi, lots have moved online. This pillar focuses on:

  • Changes to the threat profile from financial crime
  • What to look out for as your crime vulnerabilities change
  • How to protect yourself better against the changing threat

Pillar 4: Key legal, regulatory and compliance issues

The fundamental principle, and the law in most countries, is that if you can work from home, you must work from home. This is to cut down on opportunities for the virus to spread and the emergence of secondary outbreaks. This pillar focuses on:

  • The key elements of the law to consider at this time
  • The approach taken by the regulators
  • New legal and regulatory risks to watch out for
  • Tips on running your compliance function better at this time

Pillar 5: Resilience

Just as if you were in a flight emergency you would need to put your own mask on first, this section focuses on your own personal resilience. This pillar focuses on the key steps to improve the resilience of:

  • Your physical health
  • Your intellectual health
  • Your emotional health
  • Your spiritual health

Pillar 6: The “New Normal”

Many have said that there will be no going back to how business was before the pandemic. At the same time, 80% of transformation projects fail, largely due to there being insufficient time to release people and their businesses from previous practices to new habits and procedures. Successful transformation usually takes 3 months as a bare minimum. Nine months is a more realistic inside timeframe. This pillar focuses on:

  • What changes are likely to your environment and that of your business
  • What steps you will need to consider to make a success of change
  • How to conduct a lessons learned exercise that actually is of value
  • Where to get balance and perspective going forward

The objective of this book is to give you greater understanding around the issue of resilience in these troubled times, both for your business and yourself.

The outcome is for you to gain a greater understanding of some of the key resilience issues facing you this summer, and how you can best manage them for the benefit of your organisation, your business and your clients, as well as for yourself. Please do the exercises at the end of each pillar and feel free to make contact for further information.


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